quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

Acqui Prize 2015- XII International Biennial of Engraving- Rule

Art. 1 The 12th edition of the International Biennial Engraving Exhibition and Premio Acqui 2015, are organised by the International Biennial Engraving Association and sponsored by the Rotary Club of Acqui Terme, Regione Piemonte, CRT Foundation and the Municipality of Acqui Terme.

Art. 2 The Biennial is open to all engravers and participation is free. Each artist participates with a single work, executed after 1st January 2013, to respect the concept of originality expressed by the "Declaration of Milan” of 1994. 
The work must not have been, to that moment, regularly printed, or exhibited in another Prize exhibition or public event. 
The work must be printed on a sheet having minimum dimensions of 500x350mm and maximum dimensions of 700x500mm; the engraved matrix must have minimum dimensions of 400x300mm and maximum dimensions of 700x500mm; works of other dimensions will not be accepted and will not be returned. 
The work must not be in a frame, or in passé-partout. 

Art.3 Each artist must send the specimen of their work and pertaining photographic reproduction – or laser photocopy format 180x240mm or Photoshop image (with minimum 300 pixel resolution) – bearing on the rear in block letters, the title of the work, the technique used and the year of execution, name, surname, and address of author. The artist must also attach the participation form, which can be found on the internet site www.acquiprint.it, fully filled out. 
The works and the material must be sent to:

Premio Acqui 
Associazione Biennale Internazionale per l’incisione
Piazza Italia n. 9 - 15011 Acqui Terme (AL) - Italia

The envelope containing the work must bear the text: PRINTS WITH NO COMMERCIAL VALUE. 
The works must be sent by 30.09.2014. Works sent after that date will not be accepted.

Art. 4 The works which have arrived for the competition will be selected by the Acceptance Jury. This Jury will indicate the works to publish in the catalogue, those to exhibit at the 12th International Biennial Engraving Exhibition and those to submit to the Popular Jury appointed to assign the Prize.

Art. 5 The Acceptance Jury is composed by researchers and critics of the History of Engraving and well-known cultural figures.
The Popular Jury is formed by citizens of Acqui Terme and Monferrato.

Art. 6 Premo Acqui, 5000 Euro, will be awarded in 2015 during the inauguration ceremony of the 12th International Biennial Engraving Exhibition. The Jury reserves the right to introduce other prizes. 
Conferral of the prizes implies the transfer of the matrix and printing rights of the work – which will be commissioned to the Artist in 50 specimens in Arabic numerals (1/50, 2/50, etc). and in 25 specimens in Roman numerals (1/XXV, II/XXV, etc.).

Art. 7 At the end of the event the works received will not be returned, but kept by the Engraving Museum – Castle of Paleologists in Acqui Terme.

Art. 8 The Biennial Organisation Committee reserves the possibility to exhibit the works in other locations.

Art. 9 Participation in the Competition implies full acceptance of the regulation.


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